Grand Finale, 2010. Ta da!

December 8, 2010 § 1 Comment

This Monday’s dinner, Chicken Malaga, was a multi-day affair.  Day one: cut up the chicken.  I’ve learned so much through Panacea, and one skill I’ve gained is taking apart a whole chicken in no time flat.  Day two: marinate the chicken.  We followed the Silver Palate Marbella recipe fairly closely, although we went lighter on the garlic and dried oregano, and added some thyme.  Next time I think we’ll add more vinegar to the marinade and even less garlic.  Always tweaking things…  Day three: sprinkle the chicken with brown sugar and bake it.  This is such a great recipe – the tang of the vinegar and wine, the brininess of the olives and capers, and the sweetness of the sugar and the prunes (or dried plums, as they seem to be called now).  Lukins & Rosso may have ended up hating each other’s guts, but they were a talented pair.  JM often holds up their dissolved friendship as a warning :”Let’s not get all ‘Sheila & Julie’, Hannah!”  So we don’t.  « Read the rest of this entry »

A Dinner So Bright You Have To Wear Shades

December 1, 2010 § 1 Comment

Last Monday we turned our thoughts to tropical climes… to lands where the sun sets later than 4:00 pm and the sky is clear blue.  Our ingredients were winter fruits and vegetables, but they suggested something better than Northwest winter.  The salad featured persimmons – they were super sweet and a lovely orange hue.  My photo doesn’t do them justice.  I love the pattern revealed when you slice a persimmon.  They tasted great with sweet, earthy beets.  And those beets came with greens that were in wonderful shape, so we included them in the salad.

The rice was nearly neon yellow – I could almost feel ultraviolet rays emanating off each grain.  (As I write it’s becoming clear to me how deep my hatred of this weather runs.  I’m having a hard time avoiding weather metaphors).  The rice was cooked with coconut milk, lime leaves, and lemongrass, and tumeric gave it that pulsating hue.  It was creamy and rich and I loved it!  This rice dish will definitely be repeated.   « Read the rest of this entry »

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