If You Can’t Stand The Heat…

July 27, 2010 § 1 Comment

…eat a sandwich for dinner!  That’s what our families did last night.  On Monday we roasted gorgeous beef from Thundering Hooves, and were pleased as punch that it turned out rosy pink in the middle.  I was hovering nervously around the ovens, taking the roasts’ temperature at 5 minute intervals.  When Owen started slicing it I had fingers & toes crossed that it would not be gray all the way through.  It was not.

In addition to a pile of roast beef (a generous pile, JM-style), the sammies were slathered with a tomato jam and basil aioli.   The tomatoes simmered for a couple of hours with ginger, lemon, & sugar.  The aioli was whipped up in the Vitamix – lots of basil, lemon & mayo.

The Green Goddess lived up to it’s name – emerald and divine.  This dressing is killer. My kids lick their plates over it and I do too, in private.

The potato chips were a bit vexing, but I think they turned out OK in the end.  Next time we’ll have to harvest the potatoes from my driveway crop, because the store-bought ones gave me a hard time.  I’ll put my daughters on notice – those little hands harvest taters quick quick quick.

§ One Response to If You Can’t Stand The Heat…

  • […] zucchini turned out well, too.  I was having flashbacks of The Potato Chip Debacle of 2010 as I stood there, frying up the zucchini slices.  Thankfully, the zucchini behaved and was […]

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